Sunday 11 August 2019

Blogs are a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
People all over the world  are able to connect with one another through the computer, using the Internet to exchange ideas and information. Communication is very important for man, because it is the only way we can exchange ideas and information. Information is important for growth and progress
One example of a mechanical wave is sound. Sound can travel through air, water, or solids, but it can't travel through a vacuum. It needs the medium to help it travel. Other examples include water waves, seismic waves, and waves traveling through a spring.
Blogs are written informally so that conversation can occur. They are made by creating a title and then filling out the body. Post can be text, image, video. They are shown on website in new format, so most recent post appears.
Examples of how the blogs can be used to write personal opinions of the topic at hand. They can be used for businesses in order to make money, earn money through adds, sponsorships. You can create a blog into a business product that can be sold for millions or billions of dollars for instance the Huffington post that made 351 million dollars by selling their blog on American Online.
Blogs are a form of communication medium that allows the user, author to connect with the masses, people all over the world. It allows the user to share their personal thoughts, views and opinions they have on the particular subject. Also  blogs are versatile as we can use many blogging platforms in the 21st century to connect with people all over the globe via the internet. For instance, some include, tumblr and the most renowned wordpress. These are sites created in order for the author to project their thoughts and an interesting fact is that they are all free to create the blog.
The communication occurs in a blog by creating posts which are free. Also happens when the users can comment on each others blogs. Thus, give remarks and feedback to the author on what they feel, such as negative feedbacks will allow the author of the blog to change their blog in a way to make it better. Also positive feedbacks will allow the author to  improve their blog. Eventually if a blog has enough followers and likes the author can sell their blog for profit, make money from the blog by using cpc(click per click) method in order to earn money. The author earns money depending on the clicks they receive from the user.
Blogs are easy to use, quick and easy to set up, work well with social media and are easy to access. The end goal of a blog is to create an ever lasting community of the interests of the author. Also professions can made from  blogging such as blogging about fashion.

Below are links for blog 2 and blog 3
Blog 2

Blog 3


  1. Interesting blog Shrey! it's cool how the internet can connect people from around the world, letting us exchange and share information freely.
    Your mention of how a blog can be used in a business sense intrigues me. Being able to make a living from sharing your thoughts online sounds like something anyone would want.
    Your explanation of communication occurring on blogs leading to a good following, then selling the blog, is what i think of as a roundabout way of betraying your following. Fun read.

    18648342 - Andy.

    1. Thanks Andy I feel I'm not cheating the people because the first reason i would be creating this blog would be money and to earn and if i can sell it for a good price then i believe it is right as well as sending message on what blog is and how to utilise it

  2. Great information and discussion on your aspect of and views on blogs shrey ! Keen to keep up and see your next blog

  3. Hey Shrey!

    That was a neat summary of blogs - thanks! You briefly give a comparison of blogs and communication via sound.Obviously a blog has a lot of advantages (e.g. greater commerciality, a range of forms of communication - you identify text, image and video).

    However, what unique advantages do you think communication via sound has – and can blogs replicate these in any way?

  4. Love the analogy of comparing blogs as a medium to sound.

    The notion of using a medium (the internet) to transmit this wave is quite interesting. And depending on who writes the blog, it can even create a *wave* in society ;) But as you've mentioned, a wave cannot start without the initial "ripple" and cannot survive without it's medium.

    One positive feedback I might add is to utilize the formatting tools to their fullest to space out your paragraphs and structure your blogs so they are also easier on the eyes.

    1. Thanks for the advice i will use it for the next blog

  5. Shrey that was a well structured and such an informative blog on the ideas you presented while also putting across your own aspects on the concepts you presented. it was a good read to see your aspects on blogging. keep up the good work, keen to ready your next blog on your next given topic.
